So apparently the jury is split on me having my new "toy". What can say I Steve? Never say never. And Robin,I know I'm weak. Doesn't it take a strong person to admit that?..;-) I promise every once in a while I'll run w/o it,just to keep it real.
Well I am in the final stretch this week for my race. I'm only going to be running a couple of miles today & then no more until the race. I've got to get a fill-in for a broken tooth on Friday & pick up my race packet. Plus I've got a pt appointment on Thurs. for real good,deep stretch/massage.
Only 4 more days to go!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Secret product review
I have a secret. I'm almost ashamed to admit it. I broke

I know what you're saying. But Dana you were so against having one. You liked not having yet another gadget to use when you run. And you would be right. I mean lamented over & over to my R.B. about not wanting to get one. What made me decide to get one was considering the fact that I have this light stress fracture due to going too fast too soon & increasing my distance at the same time. And I figured I would benefit from knowing my pace while I'm running rather than go mile marker to mile marker after the fact. Like I told my r.b.(who is also dealing w/ a stress fracture),the watch cannot physically make me slow down. Only I can do that. All it can do is give me the info & it's up to me to decide what to do w/ it. So once my leg is healed I'll work on building my pace more slowly(could use some advise in this area. I know about increasing your distance 10% each week but what about speed?) & hopefully the Garmin can keep me on track w/ that.
W/ that said,I have had a chance to use it for a couple of runs last week. The buttons are really hard to push but I'm getting used to them. It was interesting to see my pace while I was running(so much so that I had to work a little a harder to pay more attention to the road & less to the watch). I used it on my 4miler on Fri. Other than the fact that it lost the satellite about a 1/2 mile into my run,it's been cool to have.
Mile 1(1st half): 11:02(that's when the satellite dropped)
Mile 1(2nd half): 9:18(Ok going a little fast. I was still pissed that the it dropped the signal)
Mile 2: 9:50(Better)
Mile 3: 9:53
Mile 4: 9:19
Of course I have 1 more run(2miles) on Monday & then no more running(yeah I know,why did I get a Garmin right before I have to go on a running break? What can I say,my timing is priceless) until my leg is healed more. I'm going to be x-training Tues. thru Thurs. of this week & then my race on Saturday. After that I do have a 5k on the 2nd Sat. of May & hopefully w/ a month of not running my leg will be well enough to run that.
Hopefully I haven't lost too much running cred by bowing down to technology. Cause ya know every once in a while you know I'm gonna hav' ta kick it ole' skool & go "naked"!..;-)

I know what you're saying. But Dana you were so against having one. You liked not having yet another gadget to use when you run. And you would be right. I mean lamented over & over to my R.B. about not wanting to get one. What made me decide to get one was considering the fact that I have this light stress fracture due to going too fast too soon & increasing my distance at the same time. And I figured I would benefit from knowing my pace while I'm running rather than go mile marker to mile marker after the fact. Like I told my r.b.(who is also dealing w/ a stress fracture),the watch cannot physically make me slow down. Only I can do that. All it can do is give me the info & it's up to me to decide what to do w/ it. So once my leg is healed I'll work on building my pace more slowly(could use some advise in this area. I know about increasing your distance 10% each week but what about speed?) & hopefully the Garmin can keep me on track w/ that.
W/ that said,I have had a chance to use it for a couple of runs last week. The buttons are really hard to push but I'm getting used to them. It was interesting to see my pace while I was running(so much so that I had to work a little a harder to pay more attention to the road & less to the watch). I used it on my 4miler on Fri. Other than the fact that it lost the satellite about a 1/2 mile into my run,it's been cool to have.
Mile 1(1st half): 11:02(that's when the satellite dropped)
Mile 1(2nd half): 9:18(Ok going a little fast. I was still pissed that the it dropped the signal)
Mile 2: 9:50(Better)
Mile 3: 9:53
Mile 4: 9:19
Of course I have 1 more run(2miles) on Monday & then no more running(yeah I know,why did I get a Garmin right before I have to go on a running break? What can I say,my timing is priceless) until my leg is healed more. I'm going to be x-training Tues. thru Thurs. of this week & then my race on Saturday. After that I do have a 5k on the 2nd Sat. of May & hopefully w/ a month of not running my leg will be well enough to run that.
Hopefully I haven't lost too much running cred by bowing down to technology. Cause ya know every once in a while you know I'm gonna hav' ta kick it ole' skool & go "naked"!..;-)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Shirtless runner
And no it wasn't me. No need to blind people while they're driving & scare small children. I saw a rather nice looking specimen of male runner out yesterday when I was doing my 2miler. He was running towards me but I had to turn off on a side road before we could pass each other. Darn. But let's just say what I did see...Yowza.. Might explain why I ran my 2nd mile slightly faster than my first..;-) Finished my run in 20:09/avg pace 10:03.
And Gina whatever do you mean by it sometimes takes getting a stress fracture to get that rest? *insert eyes blinking innocently*
Anywho I got you know what today at the gym. Gosh,I'm going to have to find a different way of saying that once I'm doing it all the time. I'm outee.
And Gina whatever do you mean by it sometimes takes getting a stress fracture to get that rest? *insert eyes blinking innocently*
Anywho I got you know what today at the gym. Gosh,I'm going to have to find a different way of saying that once I'm doing it all the time. I'm outee.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
So yesterday's post was full of piss-offendness(yeah I just made that word up. Sue me), I figured today's post should be better(maybe..;-))
Did my x-training last night. Went as planned. I've got a 2mile quickie(relatively speaking) today. I'm actually kind of looking forward to just doing x-training & no running after my race next week. I can't believe I said that. But in a weird way I look forward to the break from running & to do something different for a while. Plus I want to get back to running basically pain free & not having to deal w/ extra-tight muscles(due to the fracture not the normal tightness) after a run. I can't wait to get back to not having to do roughly another 30mins of exercise(pt) on top of my normal workout routine(which is about 40mins itself).
But I know once I stop running,it's not going to take long for me to get the itch to get back out there. ((Hugs))
Did my x-training last night. Went as planned. I've got a 2mile quickie(relatively speaking) today. I'm actually kind of looking forward to just doing x-training & no running after my race next week. I can't believe I said that. But in a weird way I look forward to the break from running & to do something different for a while. Plus I want to get back to running basically pain free & not having to deal w/ extra-tight muscles(due to the fracture not the normal tightness) after a run. I can't wait to get back to not having to do roughly another 30mins of exercise(pt) on top of my normal workout routine(which is about 40mins itself).
But I know once I stop running,it's not going to take long for me to get the itch to get back out there. ((Hugs))
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Yeah I know that I have been missing in action for a days. So let me give ya run down on what's been up w/ me:
Friday: Did my 3miler(actually I did 3.24) but w/o the R.B. Finish time 31:30/avg pace 10:15.
Saturday: Just hung around. Ran some errands.
Sunday:!!! Finally decided to do my taxes. Started about 9am figured I can get it knocked out in an hour. I used one of the online programs(H & R Block Taxcut). So they do all the calculations for you(after you plug in the numbers). As you know I am single & no kiddies so it should be pretty simple? Right? AND I should get a refund like I always have? Right again? WRONG. You see where this is going?
Several hours later I came to the sickening realization that I...OWE. How, may you ask. Well apparently Uncle Sam didn't take out enough(as if that's even possible). And then you may wonder well how come he didn't take out enough? Well folks it seems that on my employee W4 there were 3 allowances(deductions) on the form. Well I know I didn't get married in the past year & unless I suddenly became the Virgin Mary(ha!) then I didn't have any little ones. How did my job get that number? Well your guess is as good as mine.
In addition I also have an extra $5 coming out just so I won't owe. But w/ the 3 allowances it wasn't enough to offset it. I have corrected the form but I gotta give good ole' Sammy $374. Which compared to some others that's doesn't seem like a lot but when you don't have that exactly lying around it might as well be millions.
Did you know that if you want to setup a payment plan to pay taxes you owe,the IRS charges a setup(What exactly do they setup? I don't know) fee of $100? I didn't. Now if you owe thousands then the fee would be a drop in the bucket. But for my situation it's not worth it. And that fee doesn't go towards the bill. So I will be filing an extension but..MAN this bites! I had planned on using my refund(ha! again) to cover my moving expenses when I leave my current apartment(trying to get into a cheaper place).
So yesterday I had 6 miles to do. And the R.B. was w/ me(she's going thru a similar thing w/ taxes-found out she owed more than she thought she would for state and she's getting back a smaller refund(I wish I had THAT prob) than she expected from federal). So we were both needing to work off some serious stress. We finished the run in 1 hour/avg. pace of 10:00. It's been a few weeks since we've run together & it was good to catch up & b!tch about our taxes.
Sorry for the long post. I guess that's what happens when you don't blog for a few days. I've got the usual 2x/week x-training today. My race is now 11 days away. I'm starting to get really excited! And Robin,I also giggled when I was talking about player condoms. *Kisses*
Friday: Did my 3miler(actually I did 3.24) but w/o the R.B. Finish time 31:30/avg pace 10:15.
Saturday: Just hung around. Ran some errands.
Sunday:!!! Finally decided to do my taxes. Started about 9am figured I can get it knocked out in an hour. I used one of the online programs(H & R Block Taxcut). So they do all the calculations for you(after you plug in the numbers). As you know I am single & no kiddies so it should be pretty simple? Right? AND I should get a refund like I always have? Right again? WRONG. You see where this is going?
Several hours later I came to the sickening realization that I...OWE. How, may you ask. Well apparently Uncle Sam didn't take out enough(as if that's even possible). And then you may wonder well how come he didn't take out enough? Well folks it seems that on my employee W4 there were 3 allowances(deductions) on the form. Well I know I didn't get married in the past year & unless I suddenly became the Virgin Mary(ha!) then I didn't have any little ones. How did my job get that number? Well your guess is as good as mine.
In addition I also have an extra $5 coming out just so I won't owe. But w/ the 3 allowances it wasn't enough to offset it. I have corrected the form but I gotta give good ole' Sammy $374. Which compared to some others that's doesn't seem like a lot but when you don't have that exactly lying around it might as well be millions.
Did you know that if you want to setup a payment plan to pay taxes you owe,the IRS charges a setup(What exactly do they setup? I don't know) fee of $100? I didn't. Now if you owe thousands then the fee would be a drop in the bucket. But for my situation it's not worth it. And that fee doesn't go towards the bill. So I will be filing an extension but..MAN this bites! I had planned on using my refund(ha! again) to cover my moving expenses when I leave my current apartment(trying to get into a cheaper place).
So yesterday I had 6 miles to do. And the R.B. was w/ me(she's going thru a similar thing w/ taxes-found out she owed more than she thought she would for state and she's getting back a smaller refund(I wish I had THAT prob) than she expected from federal). So we were both needing to work off some serious stress. We finished the run in 1 hour/avg. pace of 10:00. It's been a few weeks since we've run together & it was good to catch up & b!tch about our taxes.
Sorry for the long post. I guess that's what happens when you don't blog for a few days. I've got the usual 2x/week x-training today. My race is now 11 days away. I'm starting to get really excited! And Robin,I also giggled when I was talking about player condoms. *Kisses*
Friday, March 21, 2008
Player(a) condom?
X-training at the gym workout went as planned last night. I've got 3miles for today hopefully w/ the R.B. I'll update the stats later.
I mentioned in my previous post about needing something to protect my mp3 from the rain. Annette said she clips hers to her shorts. I normally wear mine w/ an armband. I've tried doing the shorts thing but it's a little too heavy. This is what mine looks like..
It's a Creative Zen vision 60gb. It also has a built-in FM tuner(which explains the slight bulk)
Red mentioned one of her running partners going the condom route. Interesting concept,I wonder if I should get some glow-in-the dark ones for those dark runs?..;-) But you know that's too depressing that the only reason nowadays I would buy condoms is for my player. Ok,I need to get "some"(read: sex)...Soon..
And on that note I wish you a happy T.G.I.F. ((Hugs))
I mentioned in my previous post about needing something to protect my mp3 from the rain. Annette said she clips hers to her shorts. I normally wear mine w/ an armband. I've tried doing the shorts thing but it's a little too heavy. This is what mine looks like..

It's a Creative Zen vision 60gb. It also has a built-in FM tuner(which explains the slight bulk)
Red mentioned one of her running partners going the condom route. Interesting concept,I wonder if I should get some glow-in-the dark ones for those dark runs?..;-) But you know that's too depressing that the only reason nowadays I would buy condoms is for my player. Ok,I need to get "some"(read: sex)...Soon..
And on that note I wish you a happy T.G.I.F. ((Hugs))
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Totally spaced on a title
We actually didn't have the gale force winds that the weather man predicted yesterday for my 3miler. Honestly,I wish it was windier. It was in the mid-70's so I had on shorts,singlet & a jacket. Yes, I said a jacket. It's a wind-breaker & I know you think I'm crazy for wearing it w/ those temps but I needed to protect my mp3 from the rain..that never happened. So when the wind blew it felt great but when it didn't I roasted a bit. Total time 31:56/avg pace 10:20.
I have tried looking for a water-proof pouch for my player but the only thing out there are for iPods. So if anyone knows of something I can use,let me know cause when I have to wear a jacket in the summer during a possible rainstorm I'm going to be hotter than I was yesterday!
And just to let you know(cause I know it would TOTALLY make your day) I did not forget to pack my workout clothes for the gym today. See,the world will now be safe from my flying "appendages". *Smooches*
I have tried looking for a water-proof pouch for my player but the only thing out there are for iPods. So if anyone knows of something I can use,let me know cause when I have to wear a jacket in the summer during a possible rainstorm I'm going to be hotter than I was yesterday!
And just to let you know(cause I know it would TOTALLY make your day) I did not forget to pack my workout clothes for the gym today. See,the world will now be safe from my flying "appendages". *Smooches*
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I got your Victoria's Secret
A funny(yet not) thing happened to me at the gym last night. I was in the locker room,opening my gym bag so I could change into my workout clothes. Guess what? They weren't there. Forgot to pack them. I did however have my track pants & cotton shirt that I put on after my workout. But no sports bra or shorts. So I had a few choices:
Let this be a lesson. Never try to multi-task while packing your gym bag. I bet the Victoria's Secret product testers never thought to put one of their bras thru an hour at the gym!
Gina thanks for reminding me that the slow times I am putting in now are not indicative of my true potential. And I guess that what makes it hard to take. I know what my body is capable of & I've had reality give me a b!tch slap thru this injury.
Robin I know that you are going thru your own pain & I wish I could take away some of your knee trouble(might take my mind off my fracture!..;-))
Supposed to have 3 miler today but they are calling for gale force winds(up to 40mph) along w/ rain. The rain I can handle but not sure about the high winds. So we'll see. Happy hump day!
- Go home & get the workout gear-It would take 20mins round trip,my workouts take an hour & half & I had a pt appointment right after which I would have been late for.
- Workout in track pants,cotton t & my regular bra-I won't even talk about working out in a cotton shirt. But my regular bra? It's a Victoria's Secret(although not so secret if I end up using it). Not a lacy number,fairly substantial but not a sports bra.
- Workout w/o the bra-Uhhh..SO not an option. Way to endowed. I'll be poking my as well every one's eye out!
Let this be a lesson. Never try to multi-task while packing your gym bag. I bet the Victoria's Secret product testers never thought to put one of their bras thru an hour at the gym!
Gina thanks for reminding me that the slow times I am putting in now are not indicative of my true potential. And I guess that what makes it hard to take. I know what my body is capable of & I've had reality give me a b!tch slap thru this injury.
Robin I know that you are going thru your own pain & I wish I could take away some of your knee trouble(might take my mind off my fracture!..;-))
Supposed to have 3 miler today but they are calling for gale force winds(up to 40mph) along w/ rain. The rain I can handle but not sure about the high winds. So we'll see. Happy hump day!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
My r.b. found out yesterday from the doc that she has a healing stress fracture. Must be something in the air. She's running the 10k w/ me so we both will be taking it slow. Speaking of speed(or lack thereof) did my 4 miles yesterday in 40:37/avg. pace 10:06. Red,it definitely wasn't as warm as it was on Fri but I'll take it.
Both Lisa & April mentioned that I shouldn't worry about my speed right now. And I have to say that's been easier said than done. Mentally as well as physically I'm used to going a lot faster. But I know it's not about speed but just getting time on the road & letting myself heal(as much as I can w/ me running on it). It's hard for me to stop comparing my times pre-fracture as oppose to now. Especially since I log all of my runs & w/ a click of the mouse can access the info. Ain't technology great?
Well I got the usual 2x/week x-training today. Gosh,I don't know what I'm gong to talk about once back off from running entirely & x-training 5x/week. Have a good Tues. everyone!
Both Lisa & April mentioned that I shouldn't worry about my speed right now. And I have to say that's been easier said than done. Mentally as well as physically I'm used to going a lot faster. But I know it's not about speed but just getting time on the road & letting myself heal(as much as I can w/ me running on it). It's hard for me to stop comparing my times pre-fracture as oppose to now. Especially since I log all of my runs & w/ a click of the mouse can access the info. Ain't technology great?
Well I got the usual 2x/week x-training today. Gosh,I don't know what I'm gong to talk about once back off from running entirely & x-training 5x/week. Have a good Tues. everyone!
Monday, March 17, 2008
R.B.'s half-mary
So my R.B. ran her 1st half-mary at the Shamrock Marathon in Va Beach yesterday. She did it in 2:02. I am SO proud of her! She had been dealing w/ some numb/tingling pain(she's seeing a sports doc today about it) in her left shin off/on for the past few weeks. But my girl rocked! She does have another one coming up in May(Nashville I think) that I know w/ enough rest to let her leg heal more she may be able to pull a sub-2 hour time.
Gina I guess the one thing that I have been afraid of is losing all the speed & endurance that I have built up by taking time off. But I realize that by continuing to run on an injury that's trying to heal that I losing it anyway. Even though my endurance is still there my speed definitely is not. But hopefully I am getting better about listening to my body & will take the time off. But come back to me after the race & I'm climbing the walls from not running!
Red it was kind of nice to run in shorts on Fri. Get some sun on my skin(should have remembered to put some sun block on..oh well). But it's back to pants(or at least capris) today for my 4miler. It's only supposed to be in the mid-50's. *Kisses*
Gina I guess the one thing that I have been afraid of is losing all the speed & endurance that I have built up by taking time off. But I realize that by continuing to run on an injury that's trying to heal that I losing it anyway. Even though my endurance is still there my speed definitely is not. But hopefully I am getting better about listening to my body & will take the time off. But come back to me after the race & I'm climbing the walls from not running!
Red it was kind of nice to run in shorts on Fri. Get some sun on my skin(should have remembered to put some sun block on..oh well). But it's back to pants(or at least capris) today for my 4miler. It's only supposed to be in the mid-50's. *Kisses*
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Not a rainy run after all
So I didn't have to run in the rain on Fri. Oh darn.. But it was warm enough to run in a sleeveless tank & shorts. Did the 5miler in 50:32/avg. pace 10:20. Only about a minute slower than my last 5miler. Because of my injury I had been slowing down by several mins on all of my runs so hopefully I am on the mend.
Red I wanted to give you an update. I don't have a complete stress fracture according to my doc. Just the beginnings(or almost) fracture. I agree that if I had a complete one I wouldn't be running period. But honestly I probably shouldn't be running at all even w/ an almost one until I completely heal but I've got a race in now two weeks. Gulp.. So a runnin' I go. But I have kept my speed down & built my mileage back up slowly. My leg has slowly been getting better & I know that I won't be going for any fast times at the race. I'm just going to take it slow & walk if I need to & enjoy my 1st 10k. My pt agrees that if I do that & not try to push it that I won't cause any further damage.
W/ all that said once I'm done w/ that race I may take a week or maybe 2(or possibly 3) & just x-train to let my leg heal more before I get back to running. Cause I have another race in May(Race for the Cure 5k) & I know that I need let my leg heal more than I have let it(w/ me constantly running on it) before I get back to running again.
I hope everyone had a good weekend out there in blogland & catch ya on the flip side.
Red I wanted to give you an update. I don't have a complete stress fracture according to my doc. Just the beginnings(or almost) fracture. I agree that if I had a complete one I wouldn't be running period. But honestly I probably shouldn't be running at all even w/ an almost one until I completely heal but I've got a race in now two weeks. Gulp.. So a runnin' I go. But I have kept my speed down & built my mileage back up slowly. My leg has slowly been getting better & I know that I won't be going for any fast times at the race. I'm just going to take it slow & walk if I need to & enjoy my 1st 10k. My pt agrees that if I do that & not try to push it that I won't cause any further damage.
W/ all that said once I'm done w/ that race I may take a week or maybe 2(or possibly 3) & just x-train to let my leg heal more before I get back to running. Cause I have another race in May(Race for the Cure 5k) & I know that I need let my leg heal more than I have let it(w/ me constantly running on it) before I get back to running again.
I hope everyone had a good weekend out there in blogland & catch ya on the flip side.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Rainy run?
Not much too say in this post. Just glad it's Friday. I've got my usual 5miler this afternoon. I may be doing it in the rain(how fun). I'll let you know the stats later. *Hugs*
Thursday, March 13, 2008
This & that
Another 2 mile run. Another double digit pace(avg.10:20 pace/total time 20:47). Some pain as usual but nothing severe. Gosh I'm starting to sound like a broken record!..;-).
Wanted to give some love to a new commenter on this blog. Gina has done a bunch of races & a few tri's is training for the Kona IM in 2015. She too dealt w/ stress fracture last year & her posts about it has helped deal w/ mine.
Same x-training/different day. *I'm outee*
Wanted to give some love to a new commenter on this blog. Gina has done a bunch of races & a few tri's is training for the Kona IM in 2015. She too dealt w/ stress fracture last year & her posts about it has helped deal w/ mine.
Same x-training/different day. *I'm outee*
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Going deep
Yeah I know..Provocative title but git yer mind outta the gutta. I had my pt appointment yesterday. He focused on the "soft tissue"(think muscle not joint) stretching that included about a 20min deep tissue massage. He had me lying on my stomach w/ my right leg bent at a 90 degree angle. He had me in that position because when he first started it was going to be really painful(no kidding) & I might involuntarily kick him. I'm often have you had that happen?. But the 1st couple of mins I had to keep biting my lip from crying out. Yup he found the sweet spot. But eventually my leg gave up the goods & relaxed. After it was over I wanted to ask him was it good for him to?..;-)
We also talked about my race a bit more. He felt I could run the race but not to go all out. Keep my pace really slow,enjoy my surroundings & don't worry about times. Because if I try to go fast(which honestly I can't) I could end up doing more damage. This definitely made me feel better. Anyway since this is my 1st 10k it would naturally be a PR right? Plus I figured w/ all that I have learned thru having this injury & I could come back next year(cause yes I will be running this race again) & hopefully run for a faster time.
Speaking of running,I've got a 2miler today. *Later*
We also talked about my race a bit more. He felt I could run the race but not to go all out. Keep my pace really slow,enjoy my surroundings & don't worry about times. Because if I try to go fast(which honestly I can't) I could end up doing more damage. This definitely made me feel better. Anyway since this is my 1st 10k it would naturally be a PR right? Plus I figured w/ all that I have learned thru having this injury & I could come back next year(cause yes I will be running this race again) & hopefully run for a faster time.
Speaking of running,I've got a 2miler today. *Later*
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Running company
Even though I couldn't run w/ the R.B. yesterday(due to her having to help out another friend of hers),I actually had quite a bit of company when I ran yesterday. I saw a total of 4 runners! Now to some of you that may not be that big of a deal. But since I've been running for a year I've only seen 2 runners. Now I don't run on trails(yet),I run thru subdivisions. I was wondering if any of those people got outside to exercise(doesn't have to be running) or do they go to gyms or have home gyms or what. But anyway it definitely gave me the warm fuzzies to give the runner's nod to those I came across.
So I mentioned yesterday that I had 6 miles to do & I would stop if the pain got too bad. Well I am happy to say that for the first couple of mins I felt no pain at all. Usually as soon as I step one foot out the door my right calf gets a small knot that accompanies me for my entire run. Doesn't get any worse,just let's me know it's there. It felt so weird to have no pain,I almost did stop! Unfortunately it didn't last long as my injured leg remembered it's place & cheerfully reminded me of it. But I did complete the run for a total time of 1:02/avg. pace 10:25. I'm in the double digits now!
I've got x-training & a pt appointment today & I hoping to focus on the right leg since my left leg's tendinitis has been getting better & my right leg(stress fracture) is causing me the most trouble. *Byeeee*
So I mentioned yesterday that I had 6 miles to do & I would stop if the pain got too bad. Well I am happy to say that for the first couple of mins I felt no pain at all. Usually as soon as I step one foot out the door my right calf gets a small knot that accompanies me for my entire run. Doesn't get any worse,just let's me know it's there. It felt so weird to have no pain,I almost did stop! Unfortunately it didn't last long as my injured leg remembered it's place & cheerfully reminded me of it. But I did complete the run for a total time of 1:02/avg. pace 10:25. I'm in the double digits now!
I've got x-training & a pt appointment today & I hoping to focus on the right leg since my left leg's tendinitis has been getting better & my right leg(stress fracture) is causing me the most trouble. *Byeeee*
Monday, March 10, 2008
I've got a 6miler today. But as usual I'll cut it short if pain gets bad. I am noticing that w/ each run the pain(calf tightness) isn't getting any worse(good thing) but is still there. So I guess that's progress!
Robin mentioned needing a new running plan in regards to dealing w/ her knee pain & G.I. issues. She realized that she needed to change something in her running otherwise she will continue to leave herself open to injury.
I also came to the same realization. Why does it take having an injury to get us to see that what we may be doing is wrong? Now I realize that I'm somewhat a newbie to running(1 year this month) but it's not like I'm new to exercise in general. I just figured that if I started slow(doing Galloway run/walk combo) that I would be ok. But somewhere along the way I realize that I could run longer than 5 mins & jumped one day from doing 5min run/40sec walk to running for an entire 30mins the next. I believe that coupled w/ a month later training for a 10k(went from avg. 6miles a week to 13) may have been my downfall. I increased both distance & speed at roughly the same time & I have read that you should do on or the other.
I've learned a painful lesson from all this but I pray this will make me a smarter & stronger runner. *Hugs*
Robin mentioned needing a new running plan in regards to dealing w/ her knee pain & G.I. issues. She realized that she needed to change something in her running otherwise she will continue to leave herself open to injury.
I also came to the same realization. Why does it take having an injury to get us to see that what we may be doing is wrong? Now I realize that I'm somewhat a newbie to running(1 year this month) but it's not like I'm new to exercise in general. I just figured that if I started slow(doing Galloway run/walk combo) that I would be ok. But somewhere along the way I realize that I could run longer than 5 mins & jumped one day from doing 5min run/40sec walk to running for an entire 30mins the next. I believe that coupled w/ a month later training for a 10k(went from avg. 6miles a week to 13) may have been my downfall. I increased both distance & speed at roughly the same time & I have read that you should do on or the other.
I've learned a painful lesson from all this but I pray this will make me a smarter & stronger runner. *Hugs*
Sunday, March 9, 2008
I hope everyone's weekend is going good. Other than being extremely windy yesterday(we had 20-30mph winds here in Va) it was a good day. Did some grocery shopping & bought a couple of books from Borders. Spent some time in Radio Shack & upgraded my phone. I used to have this model(mine was an espresso color-no offense but I don't do pink)..

(pic courtesy of
I came away w/ this model..

(pic courtesy of
I was debating between the one you see above(Motorola Razr V3m) & this year's model(which is a Motorola Razr V9) but it's also twice the price of the one I got. After my rebate($150-for being a too lazy to switch carriers..cough..loyal customer) the V9 would have cost me $229,the V3m cost me $69. No brainer there. Spent the evening switching over my address book from the old phone to the new one. Anyone find that when doing that you discover numbers you didn't know you had? There must have been at 5 people that I hadn't talked to in years that didn't make it to my new phone. Why was I still holding on to their number? Oh well..
So I mentioned in Friday's post about how I wasn't going to do anymore tempo runs. Well ever since my injury of course my times have been getting slower. Well after the pt told me to change my stride & my doc told me to slow down while I am trying to heal,I realize that there isn't any way for me to continue to work on my tempo pace. I know that I won't get any faster due to my injury & stride change in time for it to make a difference at the 10k(it's in a little less than a month).
My Fri. run ended up being 5 miles. In the rain...In the wind...Uphill...W/ a fracture... Just kiddin' about the uphill part unfortunately. I had basically a knot in right calf(where the fracture is) the whole way but felt ok. Finish time was 49:25/avg. pace 9:50.
My fastest 5mile tempo run was 41:30. So at least several mins slower. But you know what? It doesn't matter to me anymore. Right now is about me learning a whole new way of running so the can I hopefully prevent future injuries. It's about taking each run one at a time until & I get to the race. Because I had been in training for the past 2 months I have done the 10k distance & then some a few times now. So I know that I have a good base to finish. Now I realize that the injury throws a wrench into it but just as long as I keep my pace slow,build up distance again(slowly),do my pt,x-train & rest when I'm supposed to,hopefully I will be ok for the race. Because I'm not looking for any fast times(never was to be honest),just looking to have fun & finish it should be all good. *Kisses*

(pic courtesy of
I came away w/ this model..

(pic courtesy of
I was debating between the one you see above(Motorola Razr V3m) & this year's model(which is a Motorola Razr V9) but it's also twice the price of the one I got. After my rebate($150-for being a too lazy to switch carriers..cough..loyal customer) the V9 would have cost me $229,the V3m cost me $69. No brainer there. Spent the evening switching over my address book from the old phone to the new one. Anyone find that when doing that you discover numbers you didn't know you had? There must have been at 5 people that I hadn't talked to in years that didn't make it to my new phone. Why was I still holding on to their number? Oh well..
So I mentioned in Friday's post about how I wasn't going to do anymore tempo runs. Well ever since my injury of course my times have been getting slower. Well after the pt told me to change my stride & my doc told me to slow down while I am trying to heal,I realize that there isn't any way for me to continue to work on my tempo pace. I know that I won't get any faster due to my injury & stride change in time for it to make a difference at the 10k(it's in a little less than a month).
My Fri. run ended up being 5 miles. In the rain...In the wind...Uphill...W/ a fracture... Just kiddin' about the uphill part unfortunately. I had basically a knot in right calf(where the fracture is) the whole way but felt ok. Finish time was 49:25/avg. pace 9:50.
My fastest 5mile tempo run was 41:30. So at least several mins slower. But you know what? It doesn't matter to me anymore. Right now is about me learning a whole new way of running so the can I hopefully prevent future injuries. It's about taking each run one at a time until & I get to the race. Because I had been in training for the past 2 months I have done the 10k distance & then some a few times now. So I know that I have a good base to finish. Now I realize that the injury throws a wrench into it but just as long as I keep my pace slow,build up distance again(slowly),do my pt,x-train & rest when I'm supposed to,hopefully I will be ok for the race. Because I'm not looking for any fast times(never was to be honest),just looking to have fun & finish it should be all good. *Kisses*
Friday, March 7, 2008
Usual x-training & restaurant review
Same x-training,different day. No surprises. Very little pain. I know you guys really needed to know that..;-)
Went out w/ a co-worker/friend last night. Tried out Qdoba Mexican Grill. I got this(w/o the shell,grilled chix,lite sour cream,tomato & corn salsa)....

My friend got this..But he didn't eat the tortilla.

They weren't bad but I have had better Mexican(Nacho Mama's-local place/killer-read: they actually get the tequila near the drink-margarita).

(See doesn't this look like a fun place?)
Anyway we also tried some of their queso dip & it was thinner then we would have thought & preferred. Qdoba doesn't serve alcohol although may be they should because it might have made the food taste better or we would have been too drunk to care. Their prices range from $5-$7 so relatively cheap but flavor nor the quality was there. Actually when my friend was ordering his burrito & he had to convince the server that the amount of beef that was on the "assembly line" wasn't enough to fill his order(it was literally a couple of tablespoons left). Sad.
I've got 5 miles on tap for today but this is my longest run this week(3 instead of my scheduled 6 on Mon. & my usual 2 on Tues.) since the doc diagnosed me last week w/ a light stress fracture. So I'm going to take it easy on speed(no more tempo runs but more on that later) & I'll shoot for about 4 & take it from there.
Go wish Robin lots of fun w/ her hubby at their 12k fun run trail race this weekend. Happy T.G.I.F. ya'll!
Went out w/ a co-worker/friend last night. Tried out Qdoba Mexican Grill. I got this(w/o the shell,grilled chix,lite sour cream,tomato & corn salsa)....

My friend got this..But he didn't eat the tortilla.

They weren't bad but I have had better Mexican(Nacho Mama's-local place/killer-read: they actually get the tequila near the drink-margarita).

(See doesn't this look like a fun place?)
Anyway we also tried some of their queso dip & it was thinner then we would have thought & preferred. Qdoba doesn't serve alcohol although may be they should because it might have made the food taste better or we would have been too drunk to care. Their prices range from $5-$7 so relatively cheap but flavor nor the quality was there. Actually when my friend was ordering his burrito & he had to convince the server that the amount of beef that was on the "assembly line" wasn't enough to fill his order(it was literally a couple of tablespoons left). Sad.
I've got 5 miles on tap for today but this is my longest run this week(3 instead of my scheduled 6 on Mon. & my usual 2 on Tues.) since the doc diagnosed me last week w/ a light stress fracture. So I'm going to take it easy on speed(no more tempo runs but more on that later) & I'll shoot for about 4 & take it from there.
Go wish Robin lots of fun w/ her hubby at their 12k fun run trail race this weekend. Happy T.G.I.F. ya'll!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Feeling a little pain last night & this morning after my 2miler. Mainly just stiffness in the ankle area. Started out a little faster than I had wanted to but I had some work issues on my mind that was/is causing me some stress. But I quickly realized what I was doing & slowed my pace & breathing down. Finished in 19:48/avg. pace 9:51. I think my feet may be getting the hang of landing more on the mid-foot to toe & less heel striking. Plus apparently my bod likes the slower paces running. Go figure.
Lisa reminded me yesterday another just as important if not more important aspect of my doing the 10k. That "F" is for fun. Thanks for reminding me that overall I need to enjoy the race. Because I am never gonna have a 1st 10k.
Got the usual Thurs. x-training. *I'm outee*
Lisa reminded me yesterday another just as important if not more important aspect of my doing the 10k. That "F" is for fun. Thanks for reminding me that overall I need to enjoy the race. Because I am never gonna have a 1st 10k.
Got the usual Thurs. x-training. *I'm outee*
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Failing or finisher?
Got an email yesterday letting me know what wave I'm going to be in at the 10k. It's going to be wave "F". At first I thought why couldn't I have "A" or "B"? Ya know "F" standing for failing. But then I thought I could turn this into a positive & w/ all the injuries I'm dealing w/ I will look at the letter "F" as a finisher because I will be blessed to be able to do that after this. So no predicted paces or end time. My goal is to complete it.
W/ that said I've a 2mile shortie today. *Hugs*
W/ that said I've a 2mile shortie today. *Hugs*
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Slow run
I didn't think it was possible to go slower than last Friday's run. But apparently it is. Yesterday's run was 3 miles in 29:39/avg. pace 9:37. I always thought that it would feel like I was just barely moving at that pace but I was wrong. Even though it was about 1 min slower than what I normally go,it definitely felt I was moving fairly fast. I wasn't as winded as normally am afterwards. There was some pain during the run & some afterwards but not as intense as it has been in the past few weeks.
So I talked w/ my pt yesterday about setting up my next appointment as well as possibly changing out my shoes now(rather than after my race in a month). He said that between the pt,modifying my stride that's enough changes for right now & if there is any new pain(let's hope not!) or the existing pain doesn't get any better we won't be able to tell if it's from stride changes,shoe changes,pt or what. So I'll be running in my Nikes at the race & then we'll see after that.
M,I have thought about trail running but because I am trying to change the way how I run,it's probably not a good idea to totally change the terrain as well. But I would be up for looking at some local trails to run once I'm healed & I'm done w/ my race.
Robin,I wish you the best of luck w/ your Thurs. run. I'll have a box of Kleenex ready but I don't think you'll need it. Because as you know,even a bad run is still a good run because you were physically able to do it.
X-training today. *Byeeee*
So I talked w/ my pt yesterday about setting up my next appointment as well as possibly changing out my shoes now(rather than after my race in a month). He said that between the pt,modifying my stride that's enough changes for right now & if there is any new pain(let's hope not!) or the existing pain doesn't get any better we won't be able to tell if it's from stride changes,shoe changes,pt or what. So I'll be running in my Nikes at the race & then we'll see after that.
M,I have thought about trail running but because I am trying to change the way how I run,it's probably not a good idea to totally change the terrain as well. But I would be up for looking at some local trails to run once I'm healed & I'm done w/ my race.
Robin,I wish you the best of luck w/ your Thurs. run. I'll have a box of Kleenex ready but I don't think you'll need it. Because as you know,even a bad run is still a good run because you were physically able to do it.
X-training today. *Byeeee*
Monday, March 3, 2008
W/ the speed of a turtle but the step of a gazelle
Well it looks like that I'll be doing my Mon. run by myself today. My R.B.'s shins have been feeling a bit wonky(we think sympathy pain from my stress fracture) & she has a half-mary next Sat. So she taking today off. Me,on the other hand will be doing a turtle but gazelle like run today. Woke up w/ some stiffness in the right leg but hasn't progressed to full-on limp inducing pain so far. Originally I had a 6 miler scheduled for today but the doc wants me to cut that in half. So I'm going for 3(was going to do 4 w/ the R.B. but it's probably a good thing that she bowed out & I don't do more than what I am supposed to).
I'm starting to feel like animal kingdom here(w/ the turtle & gazelle references) but apparently running like "me" isn't getting the job done. Good luck to everyone on the road,tread,ellip,..etc..*buh-bye*
I'm starting to feel like animal kingdom here(w/ the turtle & gazelle references) but apparently running like "me" isn't getting the job done. Good luck to everyone on the road,tread,ellip,..etc..*buh-bye*
Sunday, March 2, 2008
I do run,run
Yup,you read the title right. I did a run! Talked w/ the doc on Friday. She said that I had the beginnings of a light stress fracture. She didn't think that I needed a spec(bone-she said they are the same thing) scan. She did talk about doing a walking boot but only if I was still having pain when I walked. Also she corrected my technique w/ the massage roller. Apparently I wasn't applying enough pressure to really break up the tight muscles(which was contributing to the pain). She was ok w/ me doing a short run. But I had to take it s..l..o..w.. Almost a jog,just above a walk. Think trudging but gazelle like(no heel striking).
So I set out w/ the R.B. for 3 miles. We set the pace between 9:00-9:15.
Miles splits:
Mile 1: 8:57(oops a little fast,but gimmie a break I'm used to going much faster than this)
Mile 2: 9:10(better)
Mile 3: 9:00(like that negative split)
I did feel a little stiffness towards the middle of the run but not enough to make me stop although my r.b. kind of sped up a little & I told her to slow down! Never thought I would be the one to say that. Definitely felt some painful stiffness after the run but did the roller & felt a little better afterwards. Had some pain while I was running errands yesterday but got better by the end of the day.
I told the doc that I have a long run scheduled for Monday(6miler). She wants me to cut in half so I can ease back into training. I'm gonna do between 3-4 depending on how I feel during the day before the run.
Some of you commented on the dynamic stretching that I mentioned in a previous post. My pt recommended that I do certain movements to target the muscles used in running to warm up. Think running in place w/ high knees,running place while doing kick backs(trying to touch your butt w/ your heels),leg swings(stand on one leg while swinging the other back & forth from the hip). It takes about 5 mins to do them.
According to some studies dynamic(active) is more beneficial than static stretching because your making your muscles mimic the movements of running(but more exaggerated) w/o actually doing the run itself. The static stretching lengthens the muscles which isn't a bad thing but it makes them a little too limber & unable to handle the pounding force of running. Static stretching is good for after the run to break up the tightness built up from a run. There's tons of articles out there on net on this topic & I have to admit my legs(outside of my left ankle tendinitis & right leg stress fracture) don't feel quite as tight as they used at the start of a run after doing dynamic stretching as oppose to static.
Anyway this post has gone on long enough. I hope everyone is having a good weekend & thanks for listening. *Smooches*
So I set out w/ the R.B. for 3 miles. We set the pace between 9:00-9:15.
Miles splits:
Mile 1: 8:57(oops a little fast,but gimmie a break I'm used to going much faster than this)
Mile 2: 9:10(better)
Mile 3: 9:00(like that negative split)
I did feel a little stiffness towards the middle of the run but not enough to make me stop although my r.b. kind of sped up a little & I told her to slow down! Never thought I would be the one to say that. Definitely felt some painful stiffness after the run but did the roller & felt a little better afterwards. Had some pain while I was running errands yesterday but got better by the end of the day.
I told the doc that I have a long run scheduled for Monday(6miler). She wants me to cut in half so I can ease back into training. I'm gonna do between 3-4 depending on how I feel during the day before the run.
Some of you commented on the dynamic stretching that I mentioned in a previous post. My pt recommended that I do certain movements to target the muscles used in running to warm up. Think running in place w/ high knees,running place while doing kick backs(trying to touch your butt w/ your heels),leg swings(stand on one leg while swinging the other back & forth from the hip). It takes about 5 mins to do them.
According to some studies dynamic(active) is more beneficial than static stretching because your making your muscles mimic the movements of running(but more exaggerated) w/o actually doing the run itself. The static stretching lengthens the muscles which isn't a bad thing but it makes them a little too limber & unable to handle the pounding force of running. Static stretching is good for after the run to break up the tightness built up from a run. There's tons of articles out there on net on this topic & I have to admit my legs(outside of my left ankle tendinitis & right leg stress fracture) don't feel quite as tight as they used at the start of a run after doing dynamic stretching as oppose to static.
Anyway this post has gone on long enough. I hope everyone is having a good weekend & thanks for listening. *Smooches*
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