Wednesday, March 26, 2008


So yesterday's post was full of piss-offendness(yeah I just made that word up. Sue me), I figured today's post should be better(maybe..;-))

Did my x-training last night. Went as planned. I've got a 2mile quickie(relatively speaking) today. I'm actually kind of looking forward to just doing x-training & no running after my race next week. I can't believe I said that. But in a weird way I look forward to the break from running & to do something different for a while. Plus I want to get back to running basically pain free & not having to deal w/ extra-tight muscles(due to the fracture not the normal tightness) after a run. I can't wait to get back to not having to do roughly another 30mins of exercise(pt) on top of my normal workout routine(which is about 40mins itself).

But I know once I stop running,it's not going to take long for me to get the itch to get back out there. ((Hugs))

1 comment:

GP said...

Your cross training will do wonders for your healing leg and your cardiovascular health. Keep up with a good cardio routine, get plenty of running rest, and I wouldn't be surprised if you come out of this period a better runner.


Rest is a key element of training and improvement. For some people, it just takes a stress fracture to remind them to get that rest.

Not that I know any two people like that...