Friday, February 1, 2008

Don't run angry...

Or if you do at least start your @!?#$ watch! Ok..breathe..Let's see, where shall we begin? I know,lets start w/ my R.B. What I thought was going to be a nice & short 3.1miler began w/a comedy of errors. We plan to meet at 4pm. But as I'm driving home from work I get a text stating she's going to be late. I think, biggie.. I reply back how long? She says she doesn't know. Something going on w/ her cell so she's on the phone w/ Sprint(a whole nuther post entirely). I'm now thinking lights fading,want get out run,don't want to wait.

But I'm the good friend & decide to wait. Meanwhile she's texting me,saying she's still doesn't know how long,can we meet somewhere else. Now to be fair the other place is about 10mins from our original place but I'm frustrated because I WANT TO RUN!! So I start out the house to where she is & then she's texting me AGAIN saying can we meet at the bagel that I just passed on the way to her. I call her(but of course my phone drops the call as I'm telling her stay where she is). Finally she calls me back telling me that can't map a 3.1 route from where she is. And I'm thinking we just ran 4miles here on Monday. Why can't u? But I keep my mouth shut & follow her to the bagel place.

We do our run while she's ranting about Sprint. They can't figure out why her phone is keeping an old text message that she wants to get rid of. But they are giving her the run around. So we're ending our run & I happen to look down & realize..I didn't start my watch(it's my heart rate monitor that I transfer calories burned & finish run times to my running log online).. The R.B. apologizes stating that's it's her fault because we were rushing to get started. I of course was cursing up a storm & stalked off w/o saying goodbye.

I immediately felt bad(& still do) for my behavior. It wasn't really her fault. I should have paid better attention to what I was doing. I did call her & left an apology but I'm just disgusted w/ myself.

Anyway thanks for kudos for on fast 3.1miler on Wed. Don't know my times for today's run due to..well ya know..And Red I never thought that someone would mention me & the words "natural born runner" in the same sentence! Getting the hair done tomorrow & just going to relax for the weekend. I hope everyone has a good one!


Gotta Run..... said...

OMG... that story is crazy funny. I know right now you do not see it that way but one day I am sure you will. Let me just say that I am sure that you burned a lot more calories than you think.

Good stuff!!!!

Amy said...

I'm such a control freak when it comes to my time. Somehow I just gotta learn to be chill, ya know? Easier said than done... I feel your pain though and I'm glad everything worked out okay :)

Soapin' Cindy said...

I know that sense of urgency to "get out there and run" when I've got my Nikes all laced up. A late running partner gets me bent out of shape, but I'm impatient as heck. Running gives me patience...a little