Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Shin splints

Did 6miles yesterday w/ the R.B. in 52:16/pace 8:50. Had some ankle twinges in the beginning but that went away. Howeva I did have some shin splints afterwards. It was just a light pain right after my run but I stretched,did my pt thang,& iced my left ankle. Went to bed,got up(operative words being got up) & had severe pain. I was hobbling around like an old lady! We had one good size hill yesterday(but nothing that I have not ran before). My R.B. noticed that my footfalls were really heavy. That may have something to do w/ the pain. Did some icing this a.m. & will be taking some Advil.

I have had fairly tame shin splints before but nothing this bad. Good thing I've got x-training today. Later..


Amy said...

Yikes! That sucks... hopefully its just a fluke-y thing. I had some shin split issues awhile back, but I just assumed it was from trying to do too much, so I just cut back on my mileage a little and that seemed to help.

April said...

I've been lucky that I havent had shin splints since high school, but my husband does get them...what kind of stretches do you do for them?