Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Cancelled run/sad post

I had been thinking about what to write in this post. So many thoughts are going thru my head right now...

I spoke w/ the pt yesterday about right leg pain. He poked & prodded. He talked to me about shin splints & thinks that's it's possible this is what I may have. However because the pain is getting worse & ice/over the counter drugs aren't helping & he can't do an x-ray he's going to talk to the doc today about it & then give me a call. But he does want me to cancel my run(I had 3 miles to do). So instead I'm going to be hitting the elliptical for the same amount of time(roughly 26mins) that it would take me to do the distance on the road.

If left untreated the shin splint could result in a stress fracture(if I don't have one already). But the tricky thing w/ fractures is that they are hard to catch in an x-ray & sometimes bone scans can be unreliable.

The pt didn't say that I wouldn't be able to do my 10k in April but if I go to the doc & she says I have a fracture that means sitting out for several weeks(the race is April 5th). There would be no way for me to run it. I just feel all this training I did would be for nothing to mention I have already paid for the race. The pt did did say it may be possible to have my spot transferred to next year,refunded(I highly doubt it), or sell it. That just depressed me even more.

I know that I could walk it(especially after a month of not running). But honestly that would not only take me twice as long(no offense to those who do walk in races) but I would just feel frustrated afterwards because I trained to run the thing not walk it. Ya want to know what's funny(but yet sad) is that on my way to work I drove past a runner & almost sobbed out loud?

So I'll be at the gym today doing the ellip thang instead of my usual run. I'm out.


m said...

I don't know what to say. Other than that sucks. Maybe a week off will help. I really think new shoes would be best. (I keep saying this) it worked wonders for me. That's how I know I need new shoes. Shin splints and I'm off spending gobs of money.

I ran so hard when I did the half marathon that I had to stop running for 2 months. That is not good.

Gotta Run..... said...

I know you are sad BUT listen to your doctors. This is a great time to regroup and come back even strong.

Hang in there!!! Maybe my AB Lab test would help take your mind off of it.

Kim said...

Argh! I feel your pain. Been there done that. Best thing is to stay off the leg.
If you can still do the elliptical that is great. YOu can keep up your endurance with that.