Monday, February 25, 2008

Missing weekend

It's Monday already? Where did the weekend go? Maybe I can file a missing "persons" report. Something like this..

Missing Saturday & Sunday
Last seen after Friday
If found please call xxx-xxxx."

I wanted to thank everyone for their kind comments after my rant yesterday. I'm feeling a little better(emotionally not physically unfortunately). I've been thinking that I've been training for the 10k since last December but have been running for now over a year so if I end up having to take some time off to heal then I have no other choice but I will be ok. I am just praying that I can still do the 10k in April. My pt appointment is tomorrow so I will talk w/ him & keep you posted.

I do have a 4miler today(yes I know I am a glutton for punishment). If I feel a great amount of pain then I will stop. I know others have taken ibuprofen before a run & I have tried that & it doesn't do a thing for me. I pray that this run is somewhat pain-free. *Kisses*


Donald said...

I'm just catching up now - I guess it's good that I missed the rant.

Good luck with the rehab and maintaining the mileage - it's a difficult balance.

Steve Stenzel said...

I hate speedy weekends! And take it easy with that pain - don't make something worse!!

Unknown said...

I totally understand how a weekend can disappear right from underneath you!!

Unfortunately, I think that if you need time to heal, then that is what you have to do. And it means resetting back your mileage. But it's better in the long run than trying to cheat your body out of healing.