Wednesday, February 6, 2008

2mile Birthday run

Yup,you read the title right. Today is my birthday. I am the ripe old age of....35. It feel weird saying that I'm that age. It's like when I was kid I imagined myself as a senior citizen wondering what I would be doing & what not. And I have pictured myself as an adult but in my 20's never in my mid-30's. Let's see,35 years on this planet & what do I have to show for it? I graduated high school(went further than my dad did which is an accomplishment itself),sky dived,ran a race(w/o someone paying me or chasing me w/ a gun),traveled to Brazil for high school band trip. While I did take some college classes,I would love to finish.

I woke up today slightly nauseous & hot. I guess I look forward to hot flashes again(I had them in my mid -20's when I was on drugs to reduce a uterine fibroid that I had surgically removed). I thought today's run is going to be a blast. Did my 2 miles w/ a finish time of 17:35/pace 8:44. Slower than what I have ran the distance before but the run was good.

I've got my initial PT consultation today(it was rescheduled from tomorrow due to the PT person needing to take off to take care of his sick dog). I would like to get a pedicure & my mom recommended a really good place that's w/in walking distance from my house.

I hope everyone has a good hump day. This b-day girl is out!


Amy said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!

Kim said...

Happy belated birthday!