Thursday, May 1, 2008

Little post

Things have been going good here. Did my 2mile pool jog & swum some laps yesterday. Did my 2x/week ellip & upper body weight training tonight. Tomorrow I have 2miles on the road w/ the r.b. & her friend who is a newbie to running. Hopefully we can impart some wisdom & keep him injury free!..;-) Told my r.b. to remember to bring water for herself(she has a bad habit of not doing that) which isn't a big deal in the winter & she's not going far but it's going to be in low 80's & even though we're going a short distance dehydration can be sneaky. Besides I told her,I'm not dragging her butt back home! ((Hugs))


soleslide said...

Looks like the recovery is coming along nicely :) I still get an anxiety attack every time I have a twinge in or around the area I had my injury.

m said...

You pool runners. I bitched about one today. If it were you I wouldn't of bitched though.

We used to stash our water bottles in the first part of the run and get them on the way back. When you are thirsty you are already dehydrated.

Once, my hubs coworker left us beers on his fence. Yes, I drank it.

Soapin' Cindy said...

Have fun on your run tomorrow! I'm hitting the trails tomorrow for some SLOW running!

Gotta Run..... said...

Pool running is not for sissy's. Keep it up and you will be running the roads in no time.