Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Back in the dentist chair

So I found myself back there again today to alleviate the pain I had been having since my fill-in(2 weeks ago). My dentist filed down my tooth a bit so that it would have less of a crevice for foods to fall into & grate against my tooth. She also said that I would have to baby it more & if I wanted to continue to eat my pre-workout snack(1/2c of Kashi Go Lean cereal) that to do it on one side of mouth to break it down more before moving it to the affected side(lovely). But if I continue to have pain then I'm going to be looking for another snack to eat before my workouts. Which totally bums me out because this food is pretty high in fiber & protein plus I can leave it in the car when I eat it on the way to the gym. She did recommend a protein shake but honestly I'm not sure because it's not like I can leave that in the car. So we'll see.

Did the ellip thing at the gym w/ some upper body strength training. Tomorrow is swim day. Maybe I should do a little imbibing of my own tonight!..:-)

1 comment:

April said...

I'm sorry youre having painful dental issues...I know that's the worst:(

I like the new pics on your blog!:)