Anyway the run was good. Finished in 19:16/avg. pace 9:30. I decided to set my Garmin for 9:30 instead of 9:55 just to see if my legs(former injured one esp.) could handle the faster pace. I knew I could & would slow down if I felt any pain. Didn't feel anything at all & haven't felt anything for the rest of the weekend. So I believe I have a new pace for my shorter runs.
Also managed to try out my new running shorts. They worked good for the short distance(even though I did feel self-conscious at first,not used to having shorts THAT short). I even joked to my r.b. that it almost felt like I was running in my underwear.
And I have finally replaced my running kicks. Picked up these babies...

They are the Mizuno Wave Inspire 4. Let me tell you there's a BIG difference between these & my Nikes. For one,the Nikes are a lot cushier but it's a more neutral shoe(I need something w/ light motion control). Also these are a lot stiffer(due to the motion control). Ran for about 10mins on the tread this morning & I have to say that I like em'. Didn't think that I would because of the less cushion they have a bit more stability(I know,that's the point..;-)) that makes me feel more sure of my footing. I'll be taking them on the road for my 4miler tomorrow so I'll report back how they handle it.
Hope everyone is enjoying the extra time off & I'll catch ya the flip side!
Do you see how the Mizuno toe box is curved upward? That's what gives me horrible toe blisters with Mizunos. I've tried a few different models and they do the same thing. I hope you don't have the same experience, but that's the thing with shoes--we all have different feet and what works for one person will not for another. Good luck.
I've been looking at the at brand of shoe....but i'm in NIKE till I wear them out.
I talked to my SIL & she said you can still do laser hair removal; It may jsut take the full 8 treatments, where I may take 6; ut its one visit every 10 weeks for 8 visits; so I won't be hair free for like a YEAR!!!
Graat job on the runs. . .you're really speeding up too
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