Lisa asked about the foam roller that I have been using. Actually what I use is a massage ball roller like the one below...

It fits in the palm of my hand & I can really dig in between my shin bone & calf muscle to get at the one that tight. I only use it for a couple of mins(because it's hard to keep the pressure w/ such a small device) but really that's all the time that's needed to loosen up the muscle. It's been a godsend.
Gina the leg has been feeling pretty good although I still haven't ran on it yet(this upcoming Monday..YES!!). I know that will be the true test so we're counting down the days.
M,gotta love that spell check!
So I guess that's it for now. More you-know-what at the tomorrow. *Kisses*
I tried water running once, and I think it took me... 3 laps to get over myself and stop feeling goofy; 2 laps to stop missing the ground and slipping face-first into the water; 2 more laps to get my arms to stop stroke and just pump; 4 laps to get my rhythm down and actually feel like I was running — albeit in slow motion; and about 30 laps to feel well-worked.
I think it took the 30 laps to feel anything because I was just doing it all wrong. It was, however, a good addition to my recovery training. Not only does it give you a sense of running while working your running muscles without all the strenuous impact on your body, it also helps you appreciate those older people who run like 1,000 laps a day.
Admittedly, I have a complete lack of coordination. I even fall when running, slowly, on the ground.
I'm a MAJOR cluts! but I was thinking of adding water running. but It does just seem so silly & wrong! :o)
I'm gonna start running today or kid gets his license maybe tomorrow might I'll hit the track.
I have a little massage ball like that. I'll have to get it out for the hard to foam roll places!
That little roller looks interesting. Glad it's helping. Nice work on the x-training.
Hope the leg is good on your upcoming "test" on Monday.
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