Monday, April 7, 2008

1st x-training day(ouchie!!)

Well I spent some time w/ the bike at the gym. And let's just say my privates aren't too happy w/ me right now! I spent 35mins w/ the cycle of death & that was 35mins too long. It feels like someone had batting practice down there. Luckily I only I have to do this today(my PT wanted me to ease back into doing the ellip after my race this past Sat.) Since it was too cool out for me to do the pool(my gym's pool is indoors but I would have to go out w/ a wet head since I am too lazy to drag my hair paraphernalia to the gym & if the temps are low,then no swim);I chose the bike. But tomorrow it's ellip all the way baby!

I talked w/ my PT tonight about a running plan to get back on the road after my injury. I do have a 5k(Race for the Cure) coming on May 10th. I had planned on treating it as a training run(& may have to do some walking during it). He thinks that if I take the next 2 weeks off & keep my cardio up(by doing ellip and/or pool running) then start off doing 2 miles/3x a week that I would be fine for my next race. I pray that will be enough time but if not then I could walk more & run less for the race.

I know you're thinking why I am so bent on doing this but I'm running in memory of my aunt who lost the battle w/ breast cancer a few months ago & it's important to me that I do this race. In fact this event will mark my 1 year anniversary of racing.

Well I've got more you-know-what at the gym tomorrow evening. I'm out.

1 comment:

GP said...

Well, you know that I understand all reasons for racing. Injury or no injury. Just take care of yourself. I don't think your leg will have any trouble telling you how it feels. Mine didn't ;-)

Race for the Cure, however, is generally so emotional, often awe-inspiring that I don't think you'll have a problem. Plus, if you need to walk, walk. It's all about finishing, right?

I hate cycling. In fact, it's the biggest drawback to tri-training. Grrr. Don't even get me started on what I think about the abuses of spinning.