Got my hair done Saturday & did a little retail therapy(had to celebrate making it thru my 1st week back to running..;-)). Picked up a pair of dark blue cargo style linen/cotton pants that I had been looking for forever. Stopped by Bath & Body Works picked up some candles..

Love this scent. Not too fruity or sweet but a clean scent. I also got some Cucumber Melon body wash & lotion. I'm not a floral or overly sweet scent girl. I tend to lean towards more crisp scents(think citrus) so I'm surprised that I like this. Burning the candle now & w/ the dreary weather we're having here,it really makes my place smell good!
Also went to Best Buy & bought these...

(Jennifer Beals has certainly come a long way since Flashdance-for those who aren't familiar w/ this t.v. series it's about the lives & loves of a L.A. lesbian community. Very well written show)

(I heart Catherine Zeta. The guy isn't bad lookin' either.)
The movie is cute & some funny parts & some sad ones(surprisingly) & it definitely made me hungry. I give it 2 thumbs up but I wouldn't watch it on an empty stomach..;-)
Speaking of food,I better get started on my big meal that I make for the week. Got some chorizo & garlic flavored chicken sausage defrosting in the fridge that I'm going to saute & then add to a can of black beans & a whole box of instant brown rice cooked in chicken stock w/ a little onion & fresh garlic thrown in. Makes a big pot of it that I can eat(along w/a simple salad) off of all week. Yum.
That sausage, beans, & rice thing sounds pretty good. :)
I watched Cloverfield this weekend. I "heart" JJ Abrams. Definately not a chick flick.
Good for you on the run. I drank too much Friday night so I was a loser all weekend. I'm getting to old. It takes far to long to recover.
You like sexy things! Love cucumber melon. I'm going to make your chorizo dish...that sounds fabulous!
Nice job!!!
I'll be workin on teh run today! Although its pretty frickin cold out here
I also just stocked upon candles & soaps from there
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