Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Did my x-training at the gym yesterday. Both ankles were killing me yesterday on the mill. I iced last night but didn't take any drugs. Woke up this morning w/ the back of my right ankle feeling really tight. I was supposed to go to see a sports doc today(1st time ever seeing one) but my appointment got moved to this Friday(due to the doc having an emergency today). My R.B. recommended her & outside of bringing my running shoes,is there anything else I should in preparation for this visit? I have to admit I am little apprehensive. I am hoping that the doc doesn't tell me just to ice & take pills because I have done that,& it doesn't fix the problem & barely treats the symptoms. But I'll keep you all posted.

Robin since I'll be 35 in less than month I'm already ahead! Do they count as hot flashes if you only have them at night?

Annette I hear that admitting that you have a problem is the first step. But I am not sure if I want help! I haven't had a Pop-tart since I was a kid. Your talk of having them as a pre-run snacks gave me happy flashbacks. I am seriously thinking about getting some for my 10k. Any fave flavors you suggest?

Got a 2miler today followed by lower body weight training. Happy hump day!

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