Tuesday, January 15, 2008

6 miles...Alone

Went out for a brisk 6miler alone yesterday. Normally I do my long Mon. runs w/ my R.B. but she had to go out of town for work. So it was me,myself, & I(& my mp3). Went out easy & pretty kept the same pace throughout. Total time was 52:28.

I got a little shock about halfway through. You know how you'll map out a run that you have never done before & you start running it but because Map My Run(which is what I use) doesn't give show all the landmarks you might think that you're running in the wrong direction? Well,that's what I felt like yesterday. I came to what I thought was the end of a road(Map My Run showed the road continuing) but it actually went thru a small wooded area w/ a sidewalk to end up in another subdivision. The road did change names but I managed to find my turnaround point. Whew! I hate that feeling when you think you're lost on a run. You don't want to turn around too soon because you may short your mileage. But you afraid to keep going because you may not want to add on miles to try to find your way.

As far as the linen addiction that I admitted to yesterday,I got a comment in regards to what's my fave. Red,I'm not much for flannel sheets. Too warm. I know,I know during this time of year you would think that would be a good thing but I like to be cold when I sleep. And since flannel tends to trap heat that wouldn't work for me . I tend to suffer w/ night sweats a lot. So it's cotton all the way baby. I buy no less than 250-thread count. Egyptian cotton preferably. The ones I got over the weekend are actually a cotton sateen. So shiny like satin but not nearly as slippery to sleep on. Have you tried sleeping on satin sheets? You're slipping all around like you've been greased up w/ Vaseline(now there's a mental pic). As far the guys none,in my life right now that I would even divulge that info(my addiction to linen). But hey if you know of some single guys willing to relocate to the Richmond area,then let me know.

And to Rae,1st thanks for stopping by my blog! I haven't gotten into down comforters(a little out of my price range-and yes I know this is coming from someone who has 7 sets of linens for 1 bed-but to my defense I buy everything on sale) yet but I agree that they are nice.

Got x-training at the gym this evening. I hope everyone has a great day!


Gotta Run..... said...

Thanks for the mental picture!! LOL! I am totally there with you with the night sweat. House temps are normally 66 and I sleep in just a tank and undies. Still I burn up. Can you start hot flashes at 35 years old.

Anonymous said...

I do hate that "am I lost?" feeling when running. I actually have gotten lost before - when out of town - and got in a much longer run than I had planned! Glad you stayed on course. :)

I enjoyed your admission of linen addiction. How funny! :)

By the way, you should try a Pop-Tart as a pre-run food. It's great! (High carb, digests quickly. . .) I do only have one before a race, though. It would not be a heathly breakfast habit. :)

m said...

I always get lost when I xc run in this one park. I always endd up all over the place even though they have signs telling me where to go. I'm in the horse park, the dog park, running the opposite of other runners. Completely clueless, but always a good work-out. As long as I'm there for 30 min I'm happy.

Soapin' Cindy said...

Ahhhh...cotton sateen. That sounds nice.