Tuesday, July 15, 2008

2nd 5k race report

Ok so I've done another 5k. And as you can see from the sidebar my time is about 36 seconds slower than last week. Yeah.. Here's the splits:

Mile 1: 9:37
Mile 2: 9:27
Mile 3: 9:01
Mile .1: 7:39

Negative splits again baby! Anyway despite running on too little sleep & a pms-induced migraine,I'm happy w/ my overall performance. I actually had little bit left over to push towards the end as you can see. And right now w/ everything that's been going on w/ my living situation I take whatever time I can get. I wanted thank all those who sent me much love on my race results last week. You guys totally rock!

Next week is the last race in the series & there's pizza at the end. Wonder how fast I'll finish that one so I can stuff my face & undo all the work in the end?..;-) (Kisses)


StartingOver@28 said...

Congrats on finishing another 5k! I just signed up for my 3rd and am hoping to see more progress on the time front! Each race has its own challenges and you did great!

Unknown said...

This 5K series sounds interesting, but tiring!! Now the one wiht pizza....THAT sounds inspiring.

m said...

Beer at the end makes me run faster.

Soapin' Cindy said...

Wow! Negetive splits in a 5k? That's something...wish I could do that!

April said...

Great job!!

Anonymous said...

You rock! Keep up the good work. Running for pizza! Yum - I love it. :)

Anonymous said...

You rock! Keep up the good work. Running for pizza! Yum - I love it. :)

Amy said...

Woo hoo! Negative splits! Awesome!